Package eh

Detailed Description

.eds Module "eh.eds"


class  ItemContainer
 Generic container type providing ability to perform single operation on multiple objects easily. More...
class  ItemListContainer
 A standard list implementation of the ItemContainer abstract class. More...
class  ItemMapContainer
 A standard map implementation of the ItemContainer abstract class. More...
class  EDocItemMapContainer
 Special implementation of ItemMapContainer that can re-construct a MAP from a LIST EDoc.StringIdentifiedObject instances using their EDoc.StringIdentifiedObject.GetKeyName() methods. More...
class  FileMap
 Implementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.File type objects. More...
class  TypeMap
 Implementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.Type type objects. More...
class  FunctionTypeMap
 Implementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.FunctionType type objects. More...
class  FunctionMap
 Implementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.Function type objects. More...
class  PropogatingExceptionList
 Implementation of ItemListContainer specifically for EDoc.PropogatingException type objects. More...
class  OriginatingExceptionList
 Implementation of ItemListContainer specifically for EDoc.Exception type objects. More...
class  CodeBlockList
 Implementation of ItemListContainer specifically for EDoc.CodeBlock type objects. More...
class  Notification
 Representation of a edoc notification event (Error/Warning). More...


package  eds


 SetupVars ()
 Sets up the global variables commonly used for EDoc suppressions.
 OnMatchAppendResult (result, v, index)
 OnMatch function that appends an item that generates a successful match to the end of a list.
 OnMatchAppendIndex (result, v, index)
 OnMatch function that appends the index of an item which generates a successful match to the end of a list.
 Exact (values, callback, match_str, inverse=False, on_match=OnMatchAppendResult)
 Will perform an exact match on values against match_str.
 Contains (values, callback, match_str, inverse=False, on_match=OnMatchAppendResult)
 Will perform a containment match on values against match_str.
 Regexp (values, callback, match_str, inverse=False, on_match=OnMatchAppendResult)
 Will perform a regular expression match on values against match_str.
 _strKV (key, value='')
 Helper that returns a string of key/value pairs in a helpful format.
 _MatchLR (literal, value, attrib)
 Returns true if attrib matches regexp or literal (Exact) string: value.
 _HasCallableAttr (obj, name)
 Returns true if the given object contains a callable attribute with given name.
 _NotificationSuppressionsWrapper (py_code, py_ev_name, py_ev_type, py_function, py_file, py_line, py_rfile, py_rline, py_type, py_prop_exc, py_function_type, py_extra)
 Wrapper function called from C++ code when a notification event occurs.
 SetupNotificationSuppressions ()
 Used by edoc application to setup python wrappers for notification events.
 PreExpansion ()
 Called by edoc application before expansion of the callgraph.
 PostExpansion ()
 Called by edoc application after expansion of the callgraph.
 PostCalculation ()
 Called by edoc application after calculation of all propogating exceptions.
 FunctionReturnTrue ()
 Helper function used internally.
 FunctionReturnFalse ()
 Helper function used internally.

Function Documentation

eh._HasCallableAttr ( obj  ,

Returns true if the given object contains a callable attribute with given name.

eh._MatchLR ( literal  ,
value  ,

Returns true if attrib matches regexp or literal (Exact) string: value.

eh._NotificationSuppressionsWrapper ( py_code  ,
py_ev_name  ,
py_ev_type  ,
py_function  ,
py_file  ,
py_line  ,
py_rfile  ,
py_rline  ,
py_type  ,
py_prop_exc  ,
py_function_type  ,

Wrapper function called from C++ code when a notification event occurs.

This function will create a Notification object from the seperate data and then call any registered DisplayNotification() suppression functions.

eh._strKV ( key  ,
value  = '' 

Helper that returns a string of key/value pairs in a helpful format.

eh.Contains ( values  ,
callback  ,
match_str  ,
inverse  = False,
on_match  = OnMatchAppendResult 

Will perform a containment match on values against match_str.

A match is considered soccessful if the item contains the string in match_str.

See Exact() for parameter details.

eh.Exact ( values  ,
callback  ,
match_str  ,
inverse  = False,
on_match  = OnMatchAppendResult 

Will perform an exact match on values against match_str.

values A list of values that a match is to be performed on.
callback A callback function that can be used to transform a single item in the values list. This MUST return a string that can be used in the match.
match_str The string that the match is being performed against.
inverse If true will return the inverse of the match. I.e. Assume successful match for all items that do not match match_str and a failed match for all items that do match match_str.
on_match A callback function that performs an action upon a successful match. By default this will just add the successful match results to the back of the results list.

eh.FunctionReturnFalse (  ) 

Helper function used internally.

eh.FunctionReturnTrue (  ) 

Helper function used internally.

eh.OnMatchAppendIndex ( result  ,

OnMatch function that appends the index of an item which generates a successful match to the end of a list.

eh.OnMatchAppendResult ( result  ,

OnMatch function that appends an item that generates a successful match to the end of a list.

eh.PostCalculation (  ) 

Called by edoc application after calculation of all propogating exceptions.

This will in turn call all registered PostCalculation() suppression furnctions.

eh.PostExpansion (  ) 

Called by edoc application after expansion of the callgraph.

This will in turn call all registered PostExpansion() suppression furnctions.

eh.PreExpansion (  ) 

Called by edoc application before expansion of the callgraph.

This will in turn call all registered PreExpansion() suppression furnctions.

eh.Regexp ( values  ,
callback  ,
match_str  ,
inverse  = False,
on_match  = OnMatchAppendResult 

Will perform a regular expression match on values against match_str.

A match is considered soccessful if the item can be successfully matched by the regular expression provided in match_str. This uses the regular expression .search() method to obtain a match and thus for exact matches the regexp but be anchored using ^ and $

See Exact() for parameter details.

eh.SetupNotificationSuppressions (  ) 

Used by edoc application to setup python wrappers for notification events.

eh.SetupVars (  ) 

Sets up the global variables commonly used for EDoc suppressions.

This sets up the variables: ed, files, types, function_types and functions

Generated on Tue Jan 20 18:26:38 2009 for EDocPy-0.0.1 by  doxygen 1.5.1