EDocPy-0.0.1 Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
eh.CodeBlockListImplementation of ItemListContainer specifically for EDoc.CodeBlock type objects
eh.EDocItemMapContainerSpecial implementation of ItemMapContainer that can re-construct a MAP from a LIST EDoc.StringIdentifiedObject instances using their EDoc.StringIdentifiedObject.GetKeyName() methods
eh.FileMapImplementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.File type objects
eh.FunctionMapImplementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.Function type objects
eh.FunctionTypeMapImplementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.FunctionType type objects
eh.ItemContainerGeneric container type providing ability to perform single operation on multiple objects easily
eh.ItemListContainerA standard list implementation of the ItemContainer abstract class
eh.ItemMapContainerA standard map implementation of the ItemContainer abstract class
eh.NotificationRepresentation of a edoc notification event (Error/Warning)
eh.OriginatingExceptionListImplementation of ItemListContainer specifically for EDoc.Exception type objects
eh.PropogatingExceptionListImplementation of ItemListContainer specifically for EDoc.PropogatingException type objects
eh.TypeMapImplementation of EDocItemMapContainer specifically for EDoc.Type type objects

Generated on Tue Jan 20 18:26:38 2009 for EDocPy-0.0.1 by  doxygen 1.5.1