EDoc-0.2.1 Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
EDoc::ArchiveIFaceStandard interface for accessing files inside different types of archives
EDocBFD::BFDArchiveFactory for inserting/extracting files to/from the .edoc section of a binary file
EDoc::BinaryPersistenceAn implementation of PersistenceIFace for writing to binary files
EDoc::CatchBlockRepresents a catch statement in a block of code
EDoc::CodeBlockRepresents a block of code that may call functions, throw exceptions or contain try/catch blocks
EDoc::DictionaryRepresents one or more merged translation units
EDoc::DictionarySpecificEncapsulates functionality common to all dictionary specific types
EDoc::DirectoryArchiveRepresents an archive of data files within a directory
EDoc::ExceptionRepresents a throw statement in C++ code
EDocBFD::ExtractedBFDFileUsed to cleanup when usage of an extracted BFD file is complete
EDoc::FileRepresents a source file used during compilation
EDoc::FunctionRepresents a function in C/C++ code that has been encounterd during compilation
EDoc::FunctionLocIs a conglomerate of a reference to a Function object and a Location in a source file
EDoc::FunctionTypeRepresents a C/C++ function pointer type
EDoc::FunctionTypeLocIs a conglomerate of a reference to a FunctionType object and a Location in a source file
EDoc::IndexedDictionaryManages all File, Type, FunctionType, and Function instances as they are being loaded from a EDoc++ data file
EDoc::IndexedObjectStores a map of StringIdentifiedObject's that are indexed by an integer value
EDoc::LocationRepresents a location in a source file used during compilation
EDoc::LoggerSimple logging singleton class
EDoc::ManagedFileRepresents a file that can have some sort of cleanup action associated with it when it is no longer being used
EDoc::ManagedObjectGeneric representation for a collection of StringIdentifiedObject instances
EDoc::NotificationIFaceNotifies user of errors/warnings
EDoc::PersistenceManages automatic switching between TextPersistence and BinaryPersistence as necessary
EDoc::PersistenceIFaceDefines an interface for reading/writing various types of primitive data
EDoc::ProgressBarDisplays a percentage progress bar as a bar of '=' characters across the screen
EDoc::ProgressIFace< T >Interface used for giving progress indication on a task
EDoc::PropogatingExceptionRepresents an exception that propogates out a function
EDoc::PStackStores a stack of pointers that provides "set" like capabilities
EDocBFD::SectionUsed to simplify writing/reading to/from bfd sections
EDoc::SpecificIndexedObject< T >Specific varient of IndexedObject for a particular StringIdentifiedObject derivation type like, File, Function etc
EDoc::SpecificManagedObject< T >Provides a managed container for types that are specifically derived from StringIdentifiedObject
EDoc::StackRefPushes/Pops pointers into a PStack instance
EDoc::StdErrFunctionProgressDisplays a progress indication for functions being processed to stderr
EDoc::StdErrNotifierStandard implementation of NotificationIFace that notifies users of events through the stderr stream
EDoc::StdErrNotifier::DetailsTemporary structure for storing events for display at alater date
EDoc::StringIdentifiedObjectRepresents a fundamental DictionarySpecific data type that has a unique string identifier
EDoc::TextPersistenceAn implementation of PersistenceIFace for writing to text files
EDoc::ThrowableBase class from which all EDoc exception types will derive
EDoc::TranslationUnitRepresents a translation unit in code
EDoc::TryBlockRepresents a try block in C++ code
EDoc::TypeRepresents a type in C/C++ code that has been encounterd during compilation
EDoc::TypeLocIs a conglomerate of a reference to a Type object and a Location in a source file

Generated on Tue Jan 20 18:26:08 2009 for EDoc-0.2.1 by  doxygen 1.5.1