Chapter 9. Command Line Arguments

@@@Brendon WRITEME

edoc --help
Usage: edoc [OPTIONS] FILE... 

Where OPTIONS is one of the command line options below, and FILE is 1 or more 
input files to be processed. The input files can be any type of file 
(or directory) recognised by edoc as containing valid EDoc++ data. If a 
directory is specified it will be searched recursivly for any valid EDoc++ data

The special FLAG-TYPE-OPTIONS will modify state of any files on the command 
line following them. 

 -h, --help                     Print this message and exit
 -v, --version                  Print the version number of edoc and exit
 -o FILE, --output=FILE         Write output to FILE
 -f FMT, --format=FMT           Write output in format FMT. One of: "simple", 
                                "doxygen", "simple-doxygen" or "check"
 -c, --check                    Equivilant to --format=check
 -d X, --verbosity=X            Set the verbosity to level X. Where X is an 
                                integer in the range [0 - 3]
 -s, --show-all                 Generates output for all functions including 
                                functions without an implementation AND 
                                functions that do not throw any exceptions
 -u, --all-undefined            Will generate WUNIMPL warnings for ALL 
                                undefined functions not just those referenced 
                                by the main function
 -l, --show-link-names          Prints the link names of functions in addition 
                                to their declared names. Method of doing so 
                                depends on the output format
 -m FILE, --merged-output=FILE  Write merged EDoc++ data to FILE
 --merged-format=FMT            Set output format of merged file to FMT. Where 
                                FMT is one of: "text" or "binary". Default: 
 --enable-default-suppressions  Enables the usage of default suppressions. 
                                This is the default
 --disable-default-suppressions  Disables the usage of default suppressions
 --check-invalid-rethrow        Perform checks for invalid rethrow statements 
 -i FILE, --input=FILE          Use FILE for input data. This is usually not 
                                used unless you wanted to import a file called 
                                say: "--format" which is very unlikely
 --gen-implicit-throw           Implicitly generates exceptions for function 
                                exception specification types.
 -p, --primary                  Sets primary input flag. All input files 
                                following this option will be imported as 
                                primary data sources. This is the default
 -a, --additional               Clears primary input flag. All input files 
                                following this option will be imported as 
                                additional data sources
 --optional                     Same as --input except the next file is 
                                considered optional and if any errors occur 
                                opening the file it is ignored and a warning 
 --enable-auto-suppressions     Enables the automatic importing of suppression 
                                files for additional data sources. This is the 
 --disable-auto-suppressions    Disables the automatic importing of 
                                suppression files for additional data sources
 --enable-auto-import           Enables the automatic importing of shared 
                                library EDoc++ data files. This is the default
 --disable-auto-import          Disables the automatic importing of shared 
                                library EDoc++ data files.