- page EDoc++ library documentation.
- @ Describe the memory management structure in the library and particular ownership of memory by Dictionary objects. Including String identified objects, Dictionary specific objects, and the validation routines and configure option.
- page EDoc++ library documentation.
- @ Describe the notification framework for indication of warnings/errors while processing data.
- page EDoc++ library documentation.
- @ Describe the format of the data files and loadin/saving procedures. Including Managed/Unmanaged files, the different formats and the use of the IndexedDictionary for multi-stage loading/saving.
- page EDoc++ library documentation.
- @ Describe the logging framework.
- page EDoc++ library documentation.
- @ Describe the format of the data files and loadin/saving procedures.
- page EDoc++ library documentation.
- @ Describe the error handling strategy. Also when implement new feature for safety guarentee, implement EDoc++ using this to demonstrate and test it.
- Global EDoc::Dictionary::CalculatePropogatingExceptions (std::vector< Function * > &sorted, FunctionProgressIFace *progress=NULL)
- Document the algorithm used for this operation.
- Global EDoc::DictionarySpecific::ReplaceReferences (PStack &stack, void *remove, void *replace)=0
- As an option in the future we may choose to allow replace to be a NULL pointer. In which case it will completely erase references to a particular object instead of having to replace them with something else. This works for containers, but for non-optional fixed pointers it may cause some problems. Maybe in these cases, we should throw an exception that indicates to the user that they cant just erase that reference, they must at least replace it in some places with something or first erase other nodes that reference it first. This exception would need to include as its data a reference to the object that cant release its reference to "remove".
- Global EDoc::ProgressBar::DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH
- Find a way of getting the current terminal width so we do not make assumptions.
Generated on Tue Jan 20 18:26:08 2009 for EDoc-0.2.1 by