
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*******************************************************************************
00003    Copyright (C) 2007 by Brendon Costa
00005    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
00006    it under the terms of the "LGPL Like" License defined in the file COPYING 
00007    that should have been distributed along with this source.
00009    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
00010    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
00013    You should have received a copy of the "LGPL Like" License 
00014    along with this library; see the file COPYING. if not, it can be 
00015    obtained from the EDoc++ website: 
00018 *******************************************************************************/
00019 #ifndef EDOC_CODEBLOCK_H
00020 #define EDOC_CODEBLOCK_H
00022 #include "EDoc/DictionarySpecific.h"
00023 #include "EDoc/FunctionLoc.h"
00024 #include "EDoc/FunctionTypeLoc.h"
00025 #include "EDoc/TryBlock.h"
00026 #include "EDoc/Exception.h"
00028 #include <string>
00029 #include <ostream>
00030 #include <list>
00031 #include <sstream>
00033 namespace EDoc
00034 {
00035    class PersistenceIFace;
00036    class IndexedDictionary;
00037    class Type;
00038    class Dictionary;
00039    class Function;
00040    class PStack;
00041    class Function;
00044    //===========================================================================
00045    /** \brief Represents a block of code that may call functions, throw
00046     * exceptions or contain try/catch blocks.
00047     *
00048     * A CodeBlock contains a list of:
00049     *    - function_calls
00050     *    - originating_exceptions
00051     *    - function_pointer_calls
00052     *    - try_blocks
00053     *    .
00054     *
00055     * these are considered "primary" information sources from which the derived
00056     * information source "possible_function_calls" is obtained.
00057     */
00058    class CodeBlock : public DictionarySpecific
00059    {
00060    public:
00062       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00063       /** \brief Create a new instance that belongs to the given dictionary.
00064        *
00065        * \param dict_in See DictionarySpecific::DictionarySpecific()
00066        */
00067       CodeBlock(Dictionary* dict_in=NULL);
00069       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00070       /** \brief Copy constructor.
00071        *
00072        * New object will belong to the same dictionary as the object being
00073        * copied from.
00074        */
00075       CodeBlock(const CodeBlock& right);
00077       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00078       /** \brief Create a new instance as a copy of another instance 
00079        * but place this one in a different dictionary.
00080        */
00081       CodeBlock(const CodeBlock& right, Dictionary& dict_in);
00083       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00084       /** \brief Assignment operator.
00085        *
00086        * Can be used to assign from an object that belongs to a different
00087        * dictionary. However you must be careful that the StringIdentifiedObject
00088        * objects that are being copied already exist in this dictionary OR will
00089        * be populated soon after the assignment.
00090        */
00091       CodeBlock& operator=(const CodeBlock& right);
00096       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00097       /** \brief Read the contents of this object data from the given 
00098        * file persistence interface.
00099        *
00100        * Use of the PersistenceIFace requires that data be read in the same
00101        * order it was written (Regardless of the fact that we provide a key
00102        * which is primarily used for debugging purposes). 
00103        *
00104        * \param file The interface to the file from which we will load the data.
00105        * Using this interface allows us to easily modify the format of the file
00106        * being read/written without having to modify the reading/writing code.
00107        *
00108        * \param idict The IndexedDictionary object being used to load the
00109        * translation units data from the file. See Dictionary::Read() for more
00110        * information on how the IndexedDictionary is used.
00111        */
00112       void Read(PersistenceIFace& file, IndexedDictionary& idict);
00114       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00115       /** \brief Write the contents of this objects data to the given
00116        * file persistence interface.
00117        *
00118        * Use of the PersistenceIFace requires that data be read in the same
00119        * order it was written (Regardless of the fact that we provide a key
00120        * which is primarily used for debugging purposes). 
00121        *
00122        * \param file The interface to the file from which we will load the data.
00123        * Using this interface allows us to easily modify the format of the file
00124        * being read/written without having to modify the reading/writing code.
00125        */
00126       void Write(PersistenceIFace& file) const;
00128       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00129       /** \brief Will merge the contents of the given instance into the current
00130        * instance.
00131        *
00133        *
00134        * Merging is performed between two instances which MAY or MAY NOT belong
00135        * to different dictionaries. The idea is to create a union of the two
00136        * instances in a way that is meaningful for the particular object type.
00137        * For example merging two Type instances will require that the two
00138        * objects have exactly the same names and throw types, but may have
00139        * different types in the identical/catchable lists. 
00140        *
00141        * Merging will usually be performed starting at instances of
00142        * StringIdentifiedObject's when doing a Dictionary::Merge() If two of
00143        * these objects have the same string identifiers it will be eithre
00144        * possible to merge them or will cause a conflict in which case the merge
00145        * will fail and throw a MergeException.
00146        *
00147        * Each type will have specifics about what it means to merge them and
00148        * they are documented in the appropiate types documentation.
00149        *
00150        *
00151        *
00152        * INFORMATION SPECIFIC TO CodeBlock::Merge():
00153        *
00154        * This merge differs from others in that it will always be successful in
00155        * merging the two CodeBlock instances together, however unlike all other
00156        * Merge() calls this one may return a boolean value indicating if the
00157        * merge did not have to modify anything in order to produce the union
00158        * because the two were already equivilant or will return false to
00159        * indicate that they were not equivilant and the merge was necessary.
00160        *
00161        * This information is used by the Function::Merge() in order to resolve
00162        * linking together multiple implementations of a single function. See
00163        * Function::Merge() for more information (Especially regarding Vague
00164        * Linkage of Functions).
00165        *
00166        * \return Returns true if the blocks differed and right needed to be
00167        * merged into current, or false if the two code blocks were identical
00168        * and no merge needed to take place.
00169        */
00170       bool Merge(const CodeBlock& right);
00172       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00173       /** \brief See DictionarySpecific::ReplaceReferences()
00174        */
00175       virtual size_t ReplaceReferences(PStack& stack, 
00176          void* remove, void* replace);
00178       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00179       /** \brief See DictionarySpecific::Print()
00180        */
00181       virtual std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& out, 
00182          std::string prefix="") const;
00184       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00185       /** \brief See DictionarySpecific::Validate()
00186        */
00187       virtual void Validate(PStack& stack, const Dictionary& dict_in) const;
00189       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00190       /** \brief Returns true if the contents of the two instances are the same.
00191        *
00192        * This treats two code blocks with the same contents but in a different 
00193        * order as the equivilant.
00194        */
00195       bool operator==(const CodeBlock& right) const;
00197       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00198       /** \brief Returns true if the contents of the two instances differ.
00199        *
00200        * \see operator==()
00201        */
00202       inline bool operator!=(const CodeBlock& right) const
00203       {
00204          return !(*this == right);
00205       }
00210       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00211       /** \brief Returns an amalgamated list of all function calls and possible
00212        * function calls.
00213        *
00214        * Note: The FunctionLoc::possible flag is set to true if this is a
00215        * "possible" function call.
00216        */
00217       std::list<FunctionLoc> AllFunctionCalls();
00219       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00220       /** \brief This will populate the list of "possible_function_calls" from
00221        * this objects list of function_pointer_calls.
00222        *
00223        * A function pointer call is expanded into 0 or more possible function
00224        * calls. Basically every function whose prototype matches the function
00225        * pointer and whose address has been taken at some point in code is added
00226        * as a possible call. I.e. through the function pointer this code block
00227        * may possibly call those functions.
00228        *
00229        * A possible function call is marked as such with the
00230        * FunctionLoc::possible flag being set to true.
00231        *
00232        * Note: the expansion of calls to virtual functions into additional
00233        * possible calls is done in Function::ExpandCallGraph() not here.
00234        */
00235       void ExpandCallGraph(Function& function);
00237       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00238       /** \brief Adds a possible function call to the possible_function_calls
00239        * list.
00240        *
00241        * This is generally used by the ExpandCallGraph() function.
00242        */
00243       void AddPossCall(FunctionLoc func);
00245       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00246       /** \brief Traverses the heirarch of CodeBlock's (Through CatchBlock's 
00247        * and TryBlock's) and constructs a flat file list of all CodeBlock's
00248        * within this heirarchy.
00249        *
00250        * This can be used by a function to get a list of all blocks of code
00251        * in the function regardless of the codes heirarchy. This is useful for
00252        * the user to apply suppressions across an entire function.
00253        */
00254       std::list<CodeBlock*> GetAllCodeBlocks();
00256       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00257       /** \brief Returns a list of originating exceptions as pointers to the
00258        * original Exception objects so that their values can be easily modified.
00259        *
00260        * This us used by the python wrappers in order to apply suppressions 
00261        * directly to originating exception objects.
00262        */
00263       std::list<EDoc::Exception*> GetOriginatingExceptions();
00268       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00269       // Public Primary Data values.
00270       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00272       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00273       /** \brief A list of functions that this code block makes direct calls to.
00274        */
00275       std::list<FunctionLoc> function_calls;
00277       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00278       /** \brief A list of exceptions that this code block throws directly.
00279        */
00280       std::list<Exception> originating_exceptions;
00282       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00283       /** \brief A list of function pointer types that this code block calls.
00284        */
00285       std::list<FunctionTypeLoc> function_pointer_calls;
00287       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00288       /** \brief A list of try blocks that are within this code block.
00289        */
00290       std::list<TryBlock> try_blocks;
00293       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00294       // Public Derived Data values.
00295       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00297       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00298       /** \brief A list of functions that may "possibly" be called from this
00299        * code block indirectly.
00300        *
00301        * This is populated when expanding the call graph. It is expanded
00302        * based on virtual function calls and function pointer calls.
00303        */
00304       std::list<FunctionLoc> possible_function_calls;
00306       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00307    };
00308    //===========================================================================
00309    typedef CodeBlock* CodeBlockPtr;
00310    typedef std::list<CodeBlock*> CodeBlockPList;
00312 }
00314 #endif // EDOC_CODEBLOCK_H

Generated on Tue Jan 20 18:26:07 2009 for EDoc-0.2.1 by  doxygen 1.5.1